Thursday, November 20, 2008

Into Africa

Many people ask me to pray for their relatives or friends. And I do, in all sincerity and honesty. I pray for their well-being and their safety. I pray for their protection and provision. And even though I don't really know the person I am praying for, I have a relationship with the person who asked.

The world needs our prayers, and yet I don't know enough about the world to pray for them. So I am going to meet them. I've been praying about this for a while now. I've decided to go on a short term mission trip. Yes, I'm going to Africa!!

I'm excited about this because this decision will put me completely out of my comfort zone. In a strange place...but with people for which I want to pray. I also want to represent the love of God in their loves.

I am making adjustments in my relationships, and this is just another way...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Internet Dating? NOT!!

I've erased them all! Every single site that I was using for internet dating. I erased my profile. Been on some for YEARS and still haven't met the right person. Met lots of wrong people, just not the right person.

Maybe I'm too old fashioned...I believe that you should get to know someone first before you enter into an intimate and sexual relationship with someone. Don't get me wrong, I've done it the other way and ended up with horrible results. But I am still single, and this isn't where I really want to be.

Recently, I met a guy who is so very respectful and sweet. He has been a great help to me during some very hard times. However, at the end of the day, what he really wants I can't give to him, unless I am his wife. And he can't give me what I want because he's already been down that road before. Didn't work for him. So he wants to try something new. Oh well, gotta K.I.M. (Keep It Moving).

I have to adjust my thinking about relationships. There's a reason that I meet the same man in different packages. They look at me and don't see ME, but see what they can do to me and with me. WHAT is that about? What about me? My content and my character? What about finding their missing rib? What about intellectual conversation? What about company and companionship?

I have to adjust my thinking about relationships. I am doing something wrong, expecting something wrong. I think about God, My Father in heaven. Who made me, and knew me before I was who I am now. That He knows what I am thinking even before I think it, that He loves me enough to let me make mistakes, let me repent and forgive me. Give me grace to take me from where I wandered off to where He wants me to be. How can I apply this to my own relationships. There is a reason that I meet these people, however, some may come to stay and others come to pass through my life, to teach me a lesson.

So, I'm off the websites for now and will try something new. Like prayer and fasting, watching and waiting, maybe just living!! If he's out there, he will find me.